Friday, August 20, 2010

Dump Dump Dumpity Dump

I'm not a very good blogger, obviously. I've actually been keeping a list in my purse of things I want to either blog or vlog about, but the days just seem to roll on by and the blogs don't get written. It's naptime at my house and I was just laying on the couch taking in the refreshing sound of quiet when I realized that this would be a good time to blog.

And the topic for today is not on my 'list' but it's something we talked about at my surgeon's support group this week: Dumping Syndrome. It's not something all of us gastric bypass babies do, so I feel very lucky to have this tool as a part of my weight loss surgery. I was worried I'd be one of the non-dumpers, but nope, I dump - and boy am I glad.

The dumping experience as well as the foods that cause dumping are different for everyone. No one body is the same as the next. I can only write about my own dumpisodes and let you know what it's like for me. I had my surgery on November 11, 2009 and I'm 9 months out. I've dumped about six times in those 9 months, but all of my dumping has been with 'safe' foods.

Here's a list off the top of my head of foods that have had me on my knees:

sugar free ice cream
sugar free pudding
graham crackers

Here's a list of foods that I've tried post-op that have NOT caused me to dump:


WHAT?? I know, right? But here's the thing - each time I've tried something like a piece of cake or a cookie I've had a teeny tiny piece. I've had cake maybe three times, and the piece I had was literally one inch squared. That's it. Just a taste.....enough to satisfy but no where near enough to make me sick. I'm fairly certain that my body would strongly retaliate if I tried to feed it six donuts and a package of Oreo cookies. ;) The items that have caused me to dump were things that I tried as a post-op but didn't know that they'd make me sick. If you're body is going to dump after surgery I don't think there's anything you can do to prevent it from happening on some foods, because the only way to KNOW something is going to make you dump is learn through experience.

In nine months, here are some things I have learned about MY body in regards to dumping:

  • I can eat half of a banana or a mango. More than that and I'm done for.
  • If I want a sugar free ice cream cone I have to order a SMALL and then throw half in the garbage - or pay for it 20 minutes later!
  • Something that I ate with no problem today may make me sick tomorrow. (Like my strawberry protein shake for instance.)
  • Graham crackers are not for me. Oh the pain!
  • Sugar free yogurt is fine. Sugar free yogurt with fruit plus cool whip = BAD

Those are the guidelines that my body has set for me thus far and I know that as long as I follow my body's rules I'll be okay.

Oh, and what does dumping feel like? For's like being seasick, carsick or just plain DRUNK minus the fun parts. Once I'm heading into dumpville it's lights out for me. The only relief I get is to lay down and go to sleep. I feel exhausted, dizzy, cold, sweaty, lightheaded and just play SICK. Some people get diarrhea with dumping syndrome, but that's not a part of it for me. I do feel like I want to vomit - but I don't. And man, I sure wish I could. It's like being drunk and you know that throwing up will make it better but you just can't.

So that's dumping in a nutshell for me. What's it like for you?

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