Monday, November 30, 2009

Mind Games

This is a post I made today on one of my WLS message boards. I thought I'd share it here....

This Wednesday (the 2nd of Dec) will be my 3 week surgiversary. I have lost 39 pounds to date, but 23 of those were lost pre-surgery. I lost 11 pounds in the first week - but in the last 12 days I've only lost 5 pounds. I keep hearing that everyone stalls so I'm trying to relax but this just seems like a really long time to go with only losing 5 pounds, especially since "you never lose like you do that first year!" etc..... I'm sure I'm over-reacting, so please reassure me! I started at 379 and I'm grateful to be at 340....but I'm getting worried and frustrated about the rate of loss.

My other concern is the amount of food I eat. Two weeks ago when I first cleared for pureed and soft foods I could barely eat 1oz of food, and I was supposed to work up to 4oz at a meal. (half a cup) I am now able to eat right at one half cup....but when I portion out that much, it seems like a lot. I know in my head that this is what I'm supposed to be having, but I feel like I should be still having these tiny 1 or 2 oz servings. Tonight for dinner I had 1 egg and 3oz of cottage cheese. Even my husband remarked jokingly that it looked like I could "feed a bariatric family of four" with the food on my plate. I guess I'm worried about the size of my pouch - is it too big? Is it stretched out? Did I do something wrong to enlarge it? Also, since my surgery I have never once been sick from anything I've eaten. I hear others talk about how they couldn't get anything down, etc.... and I feel like maybe there's something wrong with me because nothing has made me sick. Yes, I am following all of the pouch rules and I haven't eaten anything outside of my surgeon's perimeters. But still, I know other people do and yet they still get sick.

I track my food daily using OH's Health Tracker and I consume an average of about 600 calories per day right now. Is that too much???


Friday, November 20, 2009

Meet Pocahontas

So forget about the last entry. I ended up using the Health Tracker tool that is already built into Obesity Help's website. Since I'm already registered there I opted to track my weight, food and exercise there. It's really handy.

In my latest video (1 Week Post-Op) I showed off my snazzy new medical id bracelet. My style is called "Pocahontas" and here is a close up picture:

For those interested you can get your very own or just peruse the catalog:

I have also taken a new pic that I'll be posting here soon. It's my 33 pounds lost picture. You can't tell yet of course, but I still thought it would be a good idea to take a pic now and then anyways.

Until next time,

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Day in the Life

Wanna know exactly what my day is like on the liquid pre-op diet? Inquiring minds are bursting to know, right?? Well look no further because listed below you'll get all the gory details! Come know you wanna put down that burger and pick up a protein shake! haha!

Here is what I've had today, Monday, November 2nd:

Breakfast - 11oz Strawberry EAS AdvantEDGE Shake (nasty!)
Bariatric Advantage Mixed Berry chewable multivitamin
550mg Calcium Citrate pill

11:45am - 11oz Vanilla EAS AdvantEDGE Shake (yuck!)
Iron Supplement with Vitamin C

1:00pm - 16oz chicken broth, 1 serving of sugar free lime J-ELLO
32oz Powerade Zero Mixed Berry Drink
500mg Calcium Citrate Lemon Zest Chew

3:30pm - 4oz Banana flavored Chike protein drink (not horrible)
Iron Supplement with Vitamin C

6:40pm - 16oz of milk with Peanut Butter Chocolate Whey Protein added (yum!)
8oz of chicken broth and 8oz of vegetable broth
Iron supplement with Vitamin C

8:30pm - 11oz Chocolate EAS AdvantEDGE Shake (better than vanilla or strawberry)
Bariatric Advantage Mixed Berry chewable multivitamin

In addition I've had at least 64 oz of water or non-caffeine clear fluids such as Crystal Light or ice chips....

Okay, raise your hands --- who's jealous???? LOL