Secondly, today a super groovy cool thing happened! Lately all of my clothes are just hanging on me and it's driving me mad. So this afternoon I decided to dig deep into the cavern of my closet and see if I could find any of my old clothes that are smaller sizes. I found a pair of Levi jeans that I didn't even know I'd ever owned - they were a size 24. Six weeks before my surgery I was at my highest weight ever, 379 pounds and a size 32. The clothes I've been wearing lately are all size 28s. So when I discovered these size 24 Levis I laughed to myself and figured there was no way in hell they were going to fit me. But I tried them on anyway -- and they buttoned. And they zipped. And they were comfortable.
*insert happy dance here*
I'm over the moon and I think I'm going to wear them for the next three days straight.